Our curriculum is based on the standards set-forth by the California State Board of Education for Preschool and Kindergarten education. Using these standards we create a curriculum to meet the needs of each child because we understand children are diverse learners and instruction must be flexible. Nothing is simply done for the purpose of having an activity; instead we engage students in learning activities that meet the needs of each child. Our curriculum strives to excite the child to discover all the world holds for him or her. We seek to open each child up to new possibilities and new concepts. This instills in each child a zeal and joy in learning for future academic success. Flexible Program Options MORNING PROGRAM 8:30 A.M. – 11:30 A.M. 5 Day Program: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday 3 Day Program: Monday, Wednesday & Friday 2 Day Program: Tuesday & Thursday DAY CARE PROGRAM Full Time: 7:00 A.M. – 6:00 P.M. Part Time: 8:30 A.M. – 3:00 P.M. with the option of 2-day program, 3-day program or 5-day program KINDERGARTEN PROGRAM 8:00 A.M. – 2:30 P.M. Terrific Teachers GPUMNSK is staffed by teachers specializing in early childhood education. They have been selected for their warmth and understanding of children, their creativity, enthusiasm and their ability to work closely with the parents to meet the individual needs of the student. Children are given the attention needed to progress to be a confident, secure child who is ready for kindergarten. Many of our teachers hold degrees in Early Child Development. Teachers without degrees are required to have a minimum of 12 units of early childhood education training and participate in continuing education classes. All staff members have valid Pediatric CPR / First Aid certificates, Health and CRB (criminal records bureau) checks. Parents’ Participation *The school is following all COVID-19 guidelines and currently unable to allow parents to join us during chapel time or to just visit and observe. Parents receive a monthly calendar that includes all school activities. In addition, we ask parents to help in a variety of ways such as painting, repairing equipment, donating supplies for activities, taking part in special celebrations or sharing skills (music, art, dance, etc.) and last but not least to join us in fundraisers!! Parents are welcome to participate in other manners such as serving on the School Governing Board, and taking part in field trips. We welcome parents’ suggestions for the improvement of the school.
Annual Activities: *Due to COVID-19 guidelines, some of these activities have been temporarily placed on hold Dad’s Day *Temporary changes due to COVID-19 guidelines
Kindergarten Information Night
Mom’s Day
Fire Day
San Gabriel Theatre (Kinder)
Lunar New Year Festival
Hearing Screening
Whale Watching (Kinder)
Vision Screening
Petting Zoo
Pony Pictures
Exotic Petting Zoo